Customized Solutions. Powerful Assessments.    Evidence-Based Approaches.


We create customized solutions for individuals and organizations to grow and develop their leadership. Using powerful assessments and evidence-based approaches, we help leaders make the necessary changes to expand their capacity and enhance their ability to lead in new, unfamiliar, and complex terrain.

Expand Capacity, Clarify Purpose & Direction, Achieve Goals

Our specialty is developmental coaching, helping clients achieve adaptive goals -- goals that require growth, not simply learning a new skill or new way of doing something. Clients expand their leadership capacity and mental complexity, discovering new perspectives that not only help them realize their goals, but unexpectedly enhance other areas of their life. Our work with clients provides an expeditious route to change, at a deep level, for transformational growth.

The approach we most rely on for profound and expedient results is Immunity to Change (ITC). Based in adult development theory and developed by Robert Kegan, Ph.D. and Lisa Lahey Ed.D. of Harvard University. ITC is used across industries as a highly effective method to get at the root of deeply held beliefs that serve a purpose but prevent change. Clients quickly surface hidden beliefs and barriers to change and begin to be able to see and evaluate them, discovering new perspectives, and generating options and choices that were previously unavailable while unknowingly subject to these beliefs.

Authentic leaders are dedicated to developing themselves because they know that becoming a leader takes a lifetime of personal growth.
— Bill George, 2003


Our ITC clients become less reactive, more innovative and have a greater ability to see and hold multiple perspectives for greater effectiveness in more challenging and complex environments. They try on new behaviors and approaches to learn about existing blind spots, attitudes and beliefs and how a shift in their current mindset can produce profound results.

Become Less Reactive & More Innovative

We work with leaders, teams and groups to achieve individual or collective goals. Our approach is customized for every client, using the tools and assessments necessary to quickly get to the heart of the problem and get on track toward success.

Transcend Barriers. Expand Capacity. Measure Results.


partial client list