Is Lack of Sleep Affecting Your Work?


Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired? Or have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting back to sleep? You may have insomnia. It's estimated that 60 million American's have trouble sleeping, impairing their daily functioning.

Sleep medication has become a common solution for much-needed sleep, but at a cost -- sleep is not as restful, and the medication's effectiveness diminishes over time, requiring more to get you to sleep. Studies show that those taking sleep medication get only 11 minutes more sleep, on average, than those not taking sleep medication, and, chronic use can cause daytime sleepiness, reduced concentration, irritability and anxiety.

How much better could you be with regular sleep?

Studies show that those taking sleep medication get only 11 minutes more sleep, on average, than those not taking sleep medication.

What is CBT-I?

CBT-I, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, is an evidence-based, drug-free program to overcome insomnia. It works by identifying and addressing the underlying factors causing insomnia. CBT-I helps people become aware of counterproductive thoughts, behaviors and habits they've developed, usually over a long period of time, that are contributing to, exacerbating, or causing their sleep trouble; these factors are learned and can be unlearned. CBT-I is highly effective for increasing total sleep time and reducing or eliminating sleep medication.

Based on science, proven in practice.

(CBT-I) is considered the first line of treatment for insomnia. It’s successful because it addresses the underlying cause of most sleep problems, thoughts and behaviors. Through discovery and practice you can successfully reboot your ability to sleep for a long-term, drug-free solution to insomnia.

The program was developed by Dr. Gregg Jacobs based on his 30 years of extensive research and clinical practice at Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center involving over ten thousand insomnia patients.

Studies consistently show CBT-I to be more effective than sleeping pills.

Get back to sleep without medication.

Sleeping pills are widely used but not intended to be a daily, long-term solution for insomnia. In studies and in practice, CBT-I has demonstrated long-term success treating insomnia. CBT-I has been endorsed by the National Institutes of Health as an effective and preferred method for treating insomnia. CBT-I achieves these results because it addresses the underlying causes of insomnia, thoughts and behaviors, which are learned and can be unlearned.

Research on CBT-I shows the following: 

*    75% of insomnia patients experience significantly improved sleep

*    The majority become normal sleepers

*    85- 90% reduce or eliminate sleeping pills

*    CBT is more effective than sleeping pills

Our results suggest CBT-I should now be considered the first line treatment for insomnia, which is experienced on a nightly basis by one-third of the nation’s adult population.
— Gregg Jacobs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School

We Can Help You Overcome Insomnia

We work with individuals, groups and organizations to improve sleep quality and reduce medication for enhanced quality of life and greater overall productivity. Our most effective solution for chronic sleep problems, backed by substantial research, is CBT-I. For less chronic problems we offer sleep health and assessment programs and offer coaching combined with other behavior change models, such as the Duke Integrative Medicine Model. Our goal is to help you conquer insomnia, without drugs, for your best health.


Bring CBT-I to your group or organization.

Help your employees sleep better for enhanced productivity, increased engagement, improved disposition and greater mental alertness. We work with your employees one-on-one or in groups, large or small. CBT-I can be integrated into a larger program or coaching engagement or a standalone program or retreat. We can help you and your employees perform at their peak, stay in good health and reduce or eliminate sleep medication.


Maximum focus on your unique situation.

We work with you in person, by video conference, or by phone through the 6-week CBT-I program, or, you might prefer sleep coaching incorporating other behavior change models.

The advantage of working one-on-one is the undivided attention, with more opportunities to discuss in-depth, factors contributing to your sleep problem.


Benefit from shared learning and others' experience.

Throughout the year we offer small-group, public workshops. We also offer private group workshops for organizations or those that would like to gather their own group. 

The group advantage is learning from others' experience and your ability to share stories and learning. Clients sometimes stay connected post-workshop for mutual support. 

Sleep More. Medicate Less. Perform Better.